In this first installment of our new “How Did We Get Here?” series led by philosopher & student scholar fellow Julianna Breit we’ll consider the concept of empathy. We’ll start in the 16th century with David Hume and explore onward.
By tracing the evolution of empathy, we’ll learn how each thinker contributes to our understanding of the empathic experience as well as how they engage(d) with the neuroscientific approaches.
In the process — and inspired by their philosophical work — we’ll also gain a deeper appreciation of our own mental capacities and encounter more tools for analyzing our interpersonal approaches.
Finally, we’ll reflect on the search for community, as well as the knowledge found in connection.
Like all of our philosophy in the community activities, this event is FREE. No background in philosophy or neuroscience is required. All ages/backgrounds welcome.
Learn more and RSVP here: